How to Stay Healthy While Working Irregular Hours

It is not uncommon for an irregular work schedule to affect the amount of sleep that someone gets. (Adobe stock image)

Have you just accepted a job working the graveyard shift? Or do you work 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. six days a week? If either of these scenarios describe your work schedule, you're one of the 15 million Americans working evening, night or other irregular scheduled jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And because of these irregular hours, shift workers experience higher cases of illness and stress, so it's imperative that you take good care of your health.

Have you just accepted a job working the graveyard shift? Or do you work 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. six days a week? If either of these scenarios describe your work schedule, you're one of the 15 million Americans working evening, night or other irregular scheduled jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And because of these irregular hours, shift workers experience higher cases of illness and stress, so it's imperative that you take good care of your health.

Working long or irregular hours (overtime or 12 or more hours) contributes to unhealthy weight gain, increased alcohol consumption and smoking, which leads to poorer health, increased injury rates, illnesses and increased mortality.

Irregular or long hours can also disrupt your sleep patterns and strain relationships with friends or loved ones. In order to avoid these health problems brought on by your job, follow these tips to lead a healthy life while working the late shift, according to Caremark Health Resources:

Figure Out Your Sleep Schedule

This is important for shift workers who work the graveyard shift. Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. Darken your bedroom and make it as nightlike as you can. And avoid anything that will "activate" your brain, such as reading.

Avoid Sugary or Carbohydrate-Rich Foods

Diet plays a big part in your health, and it's tempting to consume more beverages or food that will give you that extra boost. However, while you think your body is getting extra energy, it may crash afterward. Try to avoid snacking and eat one balanced meal during your shift.

Avoid Drugs and Overuse of Alcohol

Many shift workers resort to prescription drugs, reports Caremark. It's common to use sleeping pills, alcohol or barbiturates to sleep. These drugs can be habit-forming and might have an adverse effect on your sleep, work or emotional well-being. Find a constructive way to cope with your schedule and seek alternative ways to get sleep or deal with the stress of your day.

Post Your Work Schedule

Place your work schedule in a highly visible place so that family members are aware of your hours and can plan around your schedule. Additionally, you should ensure that your family, friends and neighbors understand your work schedule so that they do not disturb you when you are sleeping.

If you're working long or irregular hours, it's important for you to remember that your health comes first. Your job is important but not as much as your health and well-being.

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