Top 5 Job Search Myths

Getting a new job can be painstaking and exhausting, and that's all made worse by misinformation. It's important to get your facts straight about the hiring process, and St. Louis Today has compiled a list of the five most common job hunting myths. Whether you heard it from a friend or it's just an unfounded belief, read up on some of these, and hopefully your next job search will be a little more painless.

Getting a new job can be painstaking and exhausting, and that's all made worse by misinformation. It's important to get your facts straight about the hiring process, and St. Louis Today has compiled a list of the five most common job hunting myths. Whether you heard it from a friend or it's just an unfounded belief, read up on some of these, and hopefully your next job search will be a little more painless.

1. Experience Is All You Need.

Experience is certainly a very important component to whether you land a job, but it's not the sole determining factor. Arguably second most important is fit -- whether you mesh well with the team is critical. The experience/fit ratio will vary between companies, but it's safe to say that if you annoy, frustrate or simply don't fit with the team, they won't want you to join. If you're worried about fitting the culture, just remember that a professional attitude will go a long way.

2. If They Don't Contact You, They're Not Interested.

If your prospective employer doesn't contact you within two weeks, you might think everything fell through, but this isn't always the case. Chances are that hiring managers are overworked and have a staggering number of positions to fill, so your resume may have easily been overlooked.

The trick is to be gently persistent. It's perfectly acceptable to send a follow-up letter within one or two weeks to inquire about the status of your application.

3. If They're Holding My Resume, They'll Figure Out Another Position for Me.

Companies simply don't have enough time to invest in a single person. If you were rejected for one role, it's your responsibility to seek out others within the company. Even if they tell you at some point that you'll be contacted if another position opens up, it's best to be proactive but not annoying. Checking a company's job listings online is a good place to start.

4. I'm Stuck on a Career Path.

Switching careers can be daunting, especially if you've worked your current position for five or more years. However, it's not impossible. If you put in enough effort, there are plenty of ways for you to transition from one career to another. The first step is to research the new role you'd like to attain; informational interviews would be a huge resource in this regard. Think about how you can educate yourself in order to prepare better for the new job. Aside from getting another degree, taking a few classes in certain subjects can help a great deal.

5. There Are No Jobs on the Market for Me.

Staring down an uncertain economy can be tough, but it is possible to find a new job. Internal networking is key; the difference between being a faceless resume and a personal connection is immense. Companies are more likely to hire individuals who are recommended by an employee, or someone they've at least been introduced to.

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