100K Jobs Mission Employer Profile: Frontier

Company Profile

Frontier Communications Corp. offers voice, broadband, satellite video, wireless internet data access, data security solutions, bundled offerings, specialized bundles for small businesses and home offices, and advanced business communications for medium and large businesses in 27 states. The company employs approximately 15,400 people, all in the United States.

Company Profile

Frontier Communications Corp. offers voice, broadband, satellite video, wireless internet data access, data security solutions, bundled offerings, specialized bundles for small businesses and home offices, and advanced business communications for medium and large businesses in 27 states. The company employs approximately 15,400 people, all in the United States.

The mission of Frontier Communications is to be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers within its markets. Frontier provides support for business communications, such as teleconferencing and videoconferencing. Its systems allow for somewhat complex interactions, such as employee training, to take place virtually.

Military Recruiting Programs

Frontier is committed to hiring military veterans, reservists and military spouses at every level of its organization. Your well-earned reputation for leadership, teamwork, accountability and discipline will help to define our position as a premier provider of integrated communications solutions.

We help the markets we serve reach their full potential, and we look forward to doing the same for you. Career opportunities exist throughout 27 states in the following areas:

  • Information technology
  • Contact center
  • Engineering
  • Field operations
  • Sales

Make your next move in the right direction. The discipline, dedication and accountability it takes to serve our country are some of the very skills that could make you a successful member of the Frontier team. It's time to think about your next mission: a rewarding career with a company that brings families and communities together through communication technology.

As part of the 100,000 Jobs Mission, Frontier pledges to raise the visibility of the many career opportunities available and increase the hiring of veterans. Since joining the mission and collaborating with the Employer Partnership of the Armed Forces, Frontier has received two awards from the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Recognition, and we are looking to further our success.

Helpful links:

Jobs with Frontier Communications

Frontier Communications FAQ

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