Drone Owners Have Organized to Help Victims of Hurricane Harvey

Brett Velicovich, author of Drone Warrior: An Elite Soldier's Inside Account of the Hunt for America's Most Dangerous Enemies, passes on information about his work with the organization DroneUp in the wake of Hurricane Harvey:

Brett Velicovich, author of Drone Warrior: An Elite Soldier's Inside Account of the Hunt for America's Most Dangerous Enemies, passes on information about his work with the organization DroneUp in the wake of Hurricane Harvey:

"We are going into Harvey and want to ensure people know where to submit their critical needs and let us know where drones need to go to help with search and rescue, looting and mapping."


DroneUp aims to organize drone hobbyists into a volunteer force that can help authorities in an emergency. If you're a drone owner, check out their app on the iOS App or in the Google Play store.

Right now, they've set up a page to coordinate their efforts to assist with the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

If you're dealing with the storm's aftermath in Texas or Louisiana and need drone assistance, fill out the form on this page. DroneUp will coordinate with authorities and, based on the order received and criticality, notify nearby, available, and qualified pilot pilots through its DroneUp alert system.

Brett talked with us about his military career and the commercial applications of military drone technology last month during out Facebook Live interview (watch that here). We also discussed how his company is using drones to save endangered species in Africa, something he also covers in Drone Warrior.