The 13 Funniest Military Memes of the Week 9/6/17



Bravo Zulu to all of servicemen and women down in the areas affected by Hurricane Harvey. You guys are the light in this sh*tty moment. You deserve a beer.

Oh yeah… And there’s North Korea. There’s still the same douchebags screaming the same stupid rhetoric for the last 50 years.

#13: They also set up a canopy.

(Meme via Popsmoke)

#12: It’s all fun and games until Uncle Sam’s Canoe Club came in.

(Meme via Gruntworks)

#11: When and why did we stop using the phrase “BOHICA?”

(Meme by We Are The Mighty)

#10: What? Did you think your enlistment was just about saving drunk boaters and going to festivals?

(Meme via Army as F*ck)

#9: “You think you and your boys were ride or die? My bros proved it.”

(Meme via Decelerate Your Life)

#8: We get it, dude. Your “totally knocking out the drill if he got in your face” is the reason you didn’t enlist.

(Meme via The Salty Soldier)

#7: “You know what would cheer the single, lower enlisted troops up? An FRG Meeting.” -Said every CO ever.

(Meme via Air Force AMN/NCO/SNCO)

#6: The alcohol makes up 75% of that sadness.

(Meme via Weapons of Meme Destruction)

#5: Remember – Scoring 181 or higher with at least 60 points in each event during the APFT is technically “exceeding the standard.”

(Meme via Weapons of Meme Destruction)

#4: Nothing works better than telling her that she’s better than a laptop in a 120° Porta-John.

(Meme via Why I’m Not Re-Enlisting)

#3: Maybe if we send her more troops, she’ll forget we were eyeing another conflict.

(Meme via Weapons of Meme Destruction)

#2: If he completes his purpose, he’ll also cease to exist.

(Meme via US Army WTF Moments)

#1: You might be stacked, but do your medals go all the way to your pants?

(Meme via US Army WTF Moments)


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