Sound Off: Russian Media Outlet Mocks McCain's Brain Cancer

Senator John McCain announced this week that he was diagnosed with brian cancer after having a blood clot removed from above his left eye last Friday.

Senator John McCain announced this week that he was diagnosed with brian cancer after having a blood clot removed from above his left eye last Friday.

Good news for McCain supporters: he's not letting his illness get in the way of his foreign policy priorities. He just issued a statement blasting the White House for changes in Syria policy.  John's not going down without a fight.

A Russian news outlet is celebrating the news and started a countdown to the Senator's death. "Better Late Than Never! McCain Has Brain Cancer, 14 More Months to Go!" screams the headline on the Russia Insider website and they've illustrated the story with this meme:

Who is Russia Insider? They claim to be "Crowdfunded Citizen Journalism - with a Punch!" and they say they're out to correct Western media disinformation about their favorite country. There's a definite pro-Kremlin angle to their stories. Are they just really big supporters of Moscow or is there some kind of Russian government backing?

They've been hammering this story on their Facebook page, highlighting it with titles like "Brain cancer diagnosed with brain cancer!" and "When cancer *saves* lives!" to mock the Senator.



Most Americans consider John McCain to be a hero (but not all of them). He survived 5 1/2 years in the Hanoi Hilton as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam conflict. He's often take stands that represent principle over party, something that's rare on either side of the aisle in modern-day Washington.

What do you think of Russia Insider's take on McCain? Americans from across the political spectrum have tweeted and made public statements of their support of the Senator. Does a man who's served his fellow citizens in a multitude of ways deserve respect in his time of crisis? Or is he fair game for the growing pro-Russia camp here in America? Sound off!