The 13 Funniest Military Memes of the Week 7/19/17



It’s a long week back after that July 4th hangover. And then some of us have to pick up the other guy’s slack when he goes off to drill.

Good thing military memes always have the watch.

1. We’re still the best. (via ASMDSS)

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Don’t worry, America is the best in any universe, no matter which spelling you see.

2. There are a lot of new ideas floating around DoD.

The Air Force doesn’t like those kinds of shenanigans.

3. But some things never change.

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What happens on the bus stays on the bus.

4. The CS has been watching a lot of Food Network.

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Midrats: It’s what’s for dinner. And lunch. Probably breakfast. From yesterday. Combined.

5. Because Navy PT standards might be taking a beating (via The Salty Sailor)

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For use only with corpsman supervision.

6. Airmen have a special diet while away from their duty station.

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It’s just an excuse. We’d do it anyway. Wubba lubba dub dub.

7. Because special duties can be stressful.

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He got used to the taste of crayons after a while.

8. Even the Army has trouble helping out Marine Corps NCOs.

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“It’s not the size of the branch that counts,” said every Marine ever.

9. But all NCOs run on the same operating system.

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Somewhere in there, paperwork gets done.

10. At least this weekend we can even look forward to Sunday night.

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We drink and we know things.

11. And maybe forget about that upcoming deployment.

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It’s adorable that you think the bucket list actually means something. Now get out.

12. The ghosts of cadence past can come back to haunt us.

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The little yellow bird is sick of your sh*t.

13. Who’s got the best callsign in the Air Force?

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His Follow Me Car is legendary.


blake stilwell  Blake Stilwell is a traveler, writer, and adventurer with degrees in design, television & film, and international relations. He is a veteran US Air Force Combat Photojournalist who has worked for ABC News, NBC, and HBO. Blake is based in Hollywood, but often found elsewhere.


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