The 13 Funniest Military Memes of the Week 3/22/17



Funny military memes are like little morale pellets to keep everyone going throughout the year. And if your week was anything like ours, you could probably use some quick morale.

So here are 13 funny military memes to make your barracks and field exercises survivable for another week:

1. That fire team is definitely going to have some AAR notes (via The Salty Soldier).

“Uh, yeah. I’ve got some improves. Everyone take a knee. This’ll take time.”

2. Don’t make fun of your Uber driver if he’s the only one in town (via Sh-t my LPO says).


3. Fort Drum is like Narnia under the White Witch. Always winter, never Christmas (via Why I’m Not Re-enlisting).

“You guys are having a beach party? Good for you. We’re going to go freeze again.”

4. “I just want to address the speeding off base that’s been happening the last few weeks.” (via The Salty Soldier)

“Dude, we’re speeding off base because you keep dragging out these briefs.”

5. Marines really are the sum of their stereotypes (via Decelerate Your Life).

It’s awkward when you’re standing in a Hobby Lobby with them, pretty great when you’re on the beach.

6. Yeah, it’s basically balmy out here, chief (via Coast Guard Memes).

I’m gonna go cool off with a .50-cal popsicle.

7. When the recruiting ads and the service reality collide (via Why I’m Not Re-enlisting).

“Remember when we though we’d all high-five F-22s and do awesome stuff for America?”

8. Seaman Corgi is going to have a bad, bad day (via Sh-t my LPO says).

Maybe should’ve skipped a couple of those shots last night, little guy.

9. Why have scouts go ahead of the vehicle if you’re not going to listen to their reports? (via Pop smoke)

10. This is me talking to my younger self (via Air Force amn/nco/snco).

Could really use a deployment right about now. Are the Kurds still looking for volunteers?

11. “Let me just say, I wasn’t at that bar. I wasn’t with those guys. And I didn’t do any of those things.” (via Sh-t my LPO says)

“You have photos? Well, crap.”

12. Marines double-tap and double-wrap (via Pop smoke).

Depending on what base this is, that Marine may need to go to MOPP 4.

13. Get Out! (via Why I’m Not Re-enlisting)

This is the real #GETOUT challenge.

classedit2 Logan Nye - Staff Writer at We Are The Mighty

Logan is a former Fort Bragg paratrooper who deployed with the 82nd Airborne Division’s 4th Brigade Combat Team.


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