Dealing With Trauma in 'Chaplains'

Chaplains, a new 2-hour, 2-part documentary about religious men and women who provided comfort to the suffering in non-denominational settings, premieres this month on public television stations around the country (check broadcast dates and times at this link).

Chaplains, a new 2-hour, 2-part documentary about religious men and women who provided comfort to the suffering in non-denominational settings, premieres this month on public television stations around the country (check broadcast dates and times at this link).

The film covers chaplains serving in corporate workplaces, hospitals, prisons, NASCAR, Hollywood rest homes, police departments, on Capitol Hill and (of course) in the military.


In this clip, Father Paul Hurley talks about dealing with trauma.

The military chapter of Martin Doblmeier's film profiles Father Paul Hurley, a US Army Colonel and Catholic priest who serves the troops as the senior military chaplain in Afghanistan, overseeing as many as 100 chaplains of different faiths. His story confronts the larger questions about God and war, faith and freedom and the price to be paid for both. Travelling across the dangerous theatre of war, Father Hurley provides counsel to his chaplains and the soldiers they serve; while many are not religious they still derive comfort from a chaplain’s care. But a number of the chaplains serving in Afghanistan also served in Iraq, and the experience has tested the endurance of even the most committed.