Sound Off: How Can Schools Better Serve Military Kids?



Admiral Harry Harris, new head of U.S. Pacific Command, took aim at U.S. public schools this week for failing to adapt to the needs of military families.

"Our educational system simply isn't designed, much to its discredit, to support the lifestyle that accompanies a career of service. Children of military parents repeatedly face the challenges of engagement, disengagement, and re-engagement as they move to new schools every two or three years," Harris said. "It's no surprise that studies have shown that children of military parents are often more vulnerable to fear and anxiety, and that those stressors manifest themselves behaviorally and academically."


Only 75,000 military kids attend the 178 schools worldwide, leaving 1.3 military-connected children from kindergarten through grade 12 who attend school in districts near military bases.

Do the children in your military family attend public schools? Tell us your story. Let us know how those schools are meeting your needs or how they're failing to give your kids support necessary for them to succeed? What specific ideas could you give so that public schools could do a better job? What can the DoD do to help the situation? Sound off!