The VA is Curious About Your Sex Life

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While scouring the Veterans Administration website for the kind of information we share on's excellent and essential Benefits channel, one of our editors came across this curious blog post: "Sexual health: it's time to talk about it."

“Every clinician should be asking their Veteran patients about sexuality,” said Dr. Linda Mona, who’s spent the last nine years running an intimacy clinic at the Long Beach VA. “There are many Veterans struggling with this part of their life, which means there are so many families struggling with this issue."

While it's 100% true that many Veterans struggle with their sex lives (something they have in common with a large percentage of the civilian population), we know a lot of military men and women who'd be horrified if asked about how often they're getting it on and how much fun they're having when they do it.

So many questions. Do you trust the VA with the details of your life in the bedroom? Is a satisfying sex life a key to personal health or something that's none of your doctor's business?

Before any of you launch into a torrent of comments about moral decay in the modern world, here's a reminder that the Army has long been interested in what male soldiers are doing with their equipment. Check out "Sex Hygiene," a (shockingly graphic) World War II training film that aims to teach young men how to avoid getting a venereal disease while serving Uncle Sam.

Posing leading questions about home life to men and women who've already served seems a lot less invasive than showing this movie to a theater full of inexperienced young recruits, but you can let us know what you think below.
