'Wounded: The Battle Back Home' - Operation Engage



The Wounded Warrior Project is marking its tenth anniversary with a new documentary series called Wounded: The Battle Back Home. The series continues with Marine Corps veteran Jesse Bergeron.


Bergeron served in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He served as a Marine gunner, tasked with clearing roadways of threats including improvised explosive devices (IEDs). While Bergeron was stationed in Fallujah in April 2005 and performing a routine scouting mission, an IED went undetected by his unit and ultimately detonated, taking the life of a fellow Marine. Wounded: The Battle Back Home retells the harrowing details of Bergeron’s war story in the chaotic moments after the IED explosion. Bergeron had little time to reconcile his emotions following the deadly blast. Just two weeks later, he was summoned home to be with his newborn son, who had been born prematurely and was suffering from a bacterial infection that ultimately took his life.

Overcome with the grief of his son’s passing and guilt from losing a fellow Marine, Bergeron began to show clear signs of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that made simple tasks like grocery shopping nearly impossible for the hardened Marine. Wounded: The Battle Back Home picks up on Bergeron’s story as he teams up with Wounded Warrior Project looking for support to ease the effects of PTSD. The series follows Bergeron on his new mission as he focuses on family and seeks out fellow wounded service members to remind them they are not alone in their journey to recover and shape their post-war lives.

Wounded: The Battle Back Home (“Jesse: Operation Engage”) airs Sunday, September 28, at 1 PM ET / 10:00 AM PT as part of “Taking the Hill” on MSNBC.