The Art of 'World War Z'



When Brad Pitt decided he wanted to make a movie out of Max Brooks' bestselling oral history of the (fictional) zombie apocalypse, he was starting with none of the iconic graphic images available for movies based on comics or graphic novels, a lot of fragmented observations from the survivors and not much in the way of a unified plot.

It took a long time, a lot of work and some revisions to the final movie, but World War Z has turned out to be the rare summer action hit that's not a sequel or based on well-known comic book characters.


Fans of the movie will want to check out World War Z: The Art of the Film from Titan Books. Rather than just a detailed catalog of production art and movie stills,the books includes the screenplay that's credited to Michael Carnahan and Drew Goddard, along with Lost's Damon Lindelhof.

There are a ton of images from the movie alongside a few quotes from the production crew and a brief essay about the zombie-killing tools designed for the film. Now that the film's a success and there's already a sequel in development, we'll probably see future titles that go into more production detail. For now, this title has better pictures than your average screenplay book. World War Z is still in theaters and will probably stick around for the rest of the summer.