Spec Ops: The Line Takes Shooter Games to Dubai

Take-Two Interactive has revived the Spec Ops brand and will release Spec Ops: The Line, its new reboot on June 26th for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

Developed by YAGER, the single-player campaign sends Captain Martin Walker and his Delta force into a sandstorm-ravaged Dubai to recover a U.S. Army colonel. There's also online multiplayer and the entire enterprise happens in a tiny country that's one of the world's weirdest, most intense intersections between man-made engineering and the perils of nature.

We're here at the E3 show and sat down with Cory Davis, the lead designer of the game to get his take on just how Spec Ops plans to distinguish itself from the dominant shooter games on display, and he got pretty emo about his characters' motivations. Check out the video interview below.


The Spec Ops Bus

One of the things that's overwhelming about this conference is how loud it is and how impossible it is to find a quiet place to talk. You can tell there's a lot of cash invested in videogame websites because there's dozens of crews running around with HD cameras and high-end compressor boom microphones and lighting rigs. It looks like the zoo scene from Anchorman reenacted by the cast of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.

We did the interview with Cory on an iPhone, so maybe it's a little dark and I'm just figuring out how to edit on a phone in iMovie but Cory was game and it's a pretty good start. To find a quiet place, we climbed onto the bombed-out bus that 2K is using as a display prop but quickly discovered that whatever set designer they hired to set up their booth had sprayed fake blood all over the seats. We found a couple of chairs and there it is: UTR's first E3 video.

We'll check out the game when it's released later this month, but here are new trailers for both versions of the game:


Single-player narrative trailer


Multiplayer trailer