Left 4 Dead: New Fan Film Comin'

According to Tactical Fanboy, Airsoft GI TV, a gratifyingly well organized and well-run MilSim Airsoft organization, is releasing a new fan film for Left 4 Dead and it looks good. No, it's not any of the umpteen Left 4 Head porn parodies. This isn't about jiggling boobies and various modes of oral sex with the undead and other monsters (not that we're judging, mind you). It looks to be a balls-deep serious effort to do a real film, and we're actually looking forward to seeing the whole thing. It was filmed in partnership with Northern 5, sponsored by Condor Outdoor.

According to Tactical Fanboy, Airsoft GI TV, a gratifyingly well organized and well-run MilSim Airsoft organization, is releasing a new fan film for Left 4 Dead and it looks good. No, it's not any of the umpteen Left 4 Head porn parodies. This isn't about jiggling boobies and various modes of oral sex with the undead and other monsters (not that we're judging, mind you). It looks to be a balls-deep serious effort to do a real film, and we're actually looking forward to seeing the whole thing. It was filmed in partnership with Northern 5, sponsored by Condor Outdoor.

We've contacted them to ask for an interview, but haven't heard back. Maybe they're busy. We'll see. Until we hear back, we'll see about getting you more info on the parody we mentioned.

Definitely looking forward to this. Don't judge. Even the Mad Duo likes zombie movies, and this was an awesome game.
























The Mad Duo can be contacted here on UTR, over on Kit Up! or at Breach-Bang-Clear. High speed, low drag celebrities of the action figure and steely-eyed snaker-eater world, the commentary of Richard “Swingin’ Dick” Kilgore and Jake “Slim” Call has been likened to a .308 op-ed to the head. They don’t like the Taliban, marplots, hippies, sissies or SNCOs and officers who don’t grasp the concept of Noblesse Oblige. Loyalty starts from the top down, assclowns. (Some folks have asked for some background on the intrepid doorkicking twosome: check out Breach Bang Clear for more.) You can join them on Facebook, unless you're a hippie, sissy, anti-military, own any expensive show cats or are a Marine Corps trombone player.

The Mad Duo on Under the Radar: We Fight Evil So You Don't Have To

The Mad Duo: Fighting Evil Do You Don't Have To