Pulp Fiction & Jackie Brown Finally Come to Blu-Ray

Quentin Tarantino's best (Pulp Fiction) and most underrated (Jackie Brown) films have finally been officially released in high def here in America.


Pulp Fiction's surprisingly sharp dialog and breakout acting performances were so overwhelming when it first came out that it was easy to miss just how great the composition and art direction was. This new digital transfer is spectacular and corrects any tendency to undervalue the visual qualities of the movie: the imagery is just as arresting as the Kill Bill movies.

The extras are mostly recycled from the previous DVD releases, except for some new cast interviews and a bizarre movie critic roundtable hosted by Elvis Mitchell. No one got any makeup before the discussion and the HD isn't doing anyone there any favors.


Jackie Brown isn't as visually interesting as Pulp Fiction but it does feature great comeback performances by Pam Grier and Robert Forster and pretty much the last great performance from Robert De Niro (unless you want to make a case for Ronin or The Good Shepherd, which would be okay). Samuel L. Jackson's role as Ordell Robbie here might not be as flashy as Jules Winnfield in Pulp Fiction, but he's possibly even better in this movie.

The Blu-ray has the same extras we've seen before with the exception of the same movie critics roundtable setup mentioned above. The transfer looks great but it's not quite as much of a revelation as Pulp Fiction.