Welcome to the Real World: Gitmo



In the modern world, even armed conflict is just an audition for reality tv. 

Some of you might remember former Guantanamo Bay guard Richard Neely from the video we posted last year at Shock & Awe. Our commenters were not impressed by Neely's "shame" for the alleged abuse he says he witnessed at the prison.

In a interview with the New York Times, Neely says he signed up for Facebook at the end of 2008,plugged the names of some of his captives into the search engine found a profile for Shafiq Rasul. Neely sent an apology to Rasul and the two men became Facebook friends.

BBC correspondent Gavin Lee learned about the FB connection from Rasul and hatched a plan to have the two men meet face-to-face so Neely could apologize in person.

Their reunion video was shown January 12th on BBC Newsnight, an encounter that looks a lot more like a reunion episode of The Bachelor than a meeting between a former solider and an enemy combatant.

No word yet on whether the two men will accept NBC's offer to have them join the cast of Celebrity Apprentice.