Charlie Sheen Demands that President Obama Face the Truth About 9/11

Most Americans don't realize that Two and a Half Men actor and noted Hollywood john Charlie Sheen gained extensive foreign policy and national security experience from his roles in the classic '80s films Red Dawn and Platoon.

Sheen has put that experience to good use as one of America's highest-profile spokesmen for the 9/11 Truth movement. In a compelling post for Alex Jones' Prison Planet blog, Charlie transcribes an imaginary interview with President Barack Obama where Sheen both confuses and dazzles the President with his irrefutable logic. Obama eventually promises to take him seriously and hints that a new investigation just might be forthcoming. 

No word yet as to whether real-life President Obama plans to listen to Charlie, even though Sheen has assured the White House that Obama's alternate-reality predecessor Jed Bartlet would have surely taken the meeting by now.

( has a new blog from former CNN correspondent Jamie McIntyre called Line of Departure. Jamie's talking about the 9/11 conspiracy theories today with posts titled What Really Happened 9/11 and Will the Conspiracy Theories Ever Die?)