In Reversal, Navy Brings Back Beloved Ratings System The restoration of Navy rating titles was formally announced Wednesday in an administrative message from Adm. John Richardson...
Air Force Boosts Pay Incentives, Targets Retirees Amid Pilot Shortage The Air Force Secretary announced the service will increase its aircrew incentive pay for the first time since 1999.
Air Force to Let Fighter Pilots, Crew Stay at Preferred Bases The Air Force will give select fighter pilots and aircrew the ability to stay in rotations longer at select commands and...
Judge Removes Flight Suits out of Injunction A judge offered a curveball to a judgment in a lawsuit between former pilots that included a dispute over who could wear...
Air Force: No Involuntary Force Management Programs for FY15 Air Force officials announced there is no longer a need to conduct involuntary force management programs for fiscal year 2015...
Carter to Revive 'Force of the Future' Plan Despite Lawmaker Criticism Defense Secretary Carter was seeking to revive his "Force of the Future" overhaul, which was trashed in Congress last week.
Proposed Updates to Military Promotions Need OK from Congress: Carter The secretary wants to reform the military's 'up-or-out' promotion standards.
Carter's Personnel Overhaul Plan Dead on Arrival at Capitol Hill The chances of the defense secretary's plan to overhaul the military personnel system getting through Congress are slim.
Airmen's Search for Remains Recalls Top Secret WWII Mission to Turn Planes into Flying Bombs U.S. airmen in England assisted with an archaeological dig aimed at finding the remains of an Army pilot lost there during...
Newly Trained Air Force Pilots Must Consider Jobs Outside Flying Fighters or Bombers Due to Manning Shortfall A new Air Force policy may require recent T-38 Talon pilot training graduates to fly aircraft other than fighters or bombers...
The US Navy Is About to Launch a Submarine Built for a Mixed-Gender Crew, the First of Its Kind The USS New Jersey "is the first Virginia-class submarine designed and built for a full gender integrated crew," according to...
Congress Bestows Highest Honor on Troops Killed in Abbey Gate Bombing, with Politics in Background Surviving family members of the Abbey Gate suicide bombing victims accepted the Congressional Gold Medal as their loved ones'...
Veteran Accused of Shooting 5 on Kentucky Interstate Vowed to 'Kill a Lot of People,' Warrant Says The man suspected of opening fire on a highway in Kentucky sent a text message vowing to “kill a lot of people” less than 30...