Got an Incredible Military Teen? Nominate Them for This

Every year Operation Homefront gives you the chance to give your military kid a little bit of extra publicity for the incredible things he or she does.  

Every year Operation Homefront gives you the chance to give your military kid a little bit of extra publicity for the incredible things he or she does.  

That's really a small thing compared what our kids muddle through in this life they did not choose but have to deal with anyway. And so many of them rise above, even making it look easy while doing incredible things for their community and peers. And that's who the Operation Homefront Military Child of the Year Award seeks to recognize -- the kids who go above and beyond, dealing with military life and helping others along the way.

In its 10th year, the award annually honors one kid from every military service (including the Coast Guard!), flying each teen and a parent to Washington, D.C. for the awards dinner, and gifting them $10,000, a laptop and other gifts. 

But unlike in some years past, there's a different award in the mix now, too. The Military Child of the Year Award for Innovation singles out a teen who has "designed a bold and creative solution to address a local, regional or global challenge," Operation Homefront said in their release about the awards. 

That child not only receives the other gifts, but also gets to work with defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton to expand their project with the company's Summer Games program.  

Literally anyone can nominate a military teen for the award by going to Operation Homefront's website. And teens can even nominate themselves for the Innovation Award.  

The award is open to teens ages 13 to 18. Nominations are open until December 4, and the awards will be presented at the annual gala April 19, 2018. Over 40 kids have been honored since 2008.