Is Commissary Produce That Bad? Here's What You Said

It's one of those popular points of debate: is produce at the commissary really as bad as everyone says it is?

It's one of those popular points of debate: is produce at the commissary really as bad as everyone says it is?

Over my almost six years reporting on the commissary I have often wondered why, exactly, it is that produce at the commissary seems to be so, um, on the edge no matter where you shop.

I, personally, have lived in three very different regions and have experienced consistently bad produce in all of them. But I know that my experience is not universal. And so, when a congressman recently asked the DoD to do some investigating into commissary produce woes in the Pacific and Asia, I decided it was time to get down to business and ask you exactly what you think:

Is produce at the commissary bad?

The current results of the poll, which is still open here, show that you know that it can be something of a crap shoot.

By a very narrow margin the "don't buy produce there" folks won -- but they were almost tied with you all who think buyer should beware, but should still give it a try.

This has me wondering whether or not those who say not to buy produce there really go elsewhere to shop for it. Making two trips to two different grocery stores is asking a lot for me with my busy work-kids-home schedule.

So if you're one of these "don't buy at all" folks, tell me -- where do you buy produce?