TV Producers Want Your Military Family Crazy

Save your military family drama for your mama. Or, instead, take it on national TV on this new show.

Save your military family drama for your mama. Or, instead, take it on national TV on this new show.

(Except please, please don't).

Imagine the cuckoo that was the first few seasons of Survivor and mix it with a sort of Naked and Afraid and - boom! - you've got this new show CBS is currently casting, according to this story. 

Highlights, they say, include a "tropical trip of a lifetime" while you the whole family works out "some sort of problem they need to overcome" ... you know, in front of the whole world.

And why do they want military families?

"... They would have some experience in harsh conditions," the story says.

(Because every military family I know has experience wandering around in the tropics armed only with a machete. Not.)

The show is produced by the same people who do Naked and Afraid (although apparently this is a not-naked show, thank God), so you can see why they are worried about "harsh conditions."

According to the casting call "this show will see families braving 14 days in a remote location for the ultimate survival adventure in the wilderness," it says. "This could be a short, sharp shock for feuding family members and a chance for a fresh start as a stronger family unit."

Oh, goody.

Now, if you really want to apply you can go here and find the info. Note that everyone in the family applying must be over 18-years-old.

But instead of working through your problems with your military family while experiencing stressful tropical conditions, instead consider this suggestion: call Military OneSource.

Counseling through them is free ... and private ... and possibly air conditioned. You could probably even bring a latte and a cookie if you wanted one, something that likely isn't available while filming Crazy-Island-Show.

You're welcome.