Poll: Is Produce at the Commissary Bad?

Who knew lettuce could cause so much drama?

Who knew lettuce could cause so much drama?

A Congressman from California is asking the Defense Department to launch an investigation into the commissary's produce-selling practices in Asia and Guam. The Congressman says that he's heard the commissary is asking people not to talk about the troubles there and that they are using some tricky pricing methods to keep higher costs caused by a contract change from the public eye.

The commissary, on the other hand, says that no such trickery is afoot. "Bottom line, our people are not being instructed to tell patrons not to take photos inside the store," their spokesman, Kevin Robinson, told me in an email. "If anything, contractor support, product quality and pricing have vastly improved within the past several months; [commissary] personnel continue to work diligently with the contractor to ensure continued and expansive success."

You can read the rest of the news story over here. But this has me thinking about commissary produce everywhere.

No matter where you are, commissary produce is not renowned for its quality and freshness. Ask a roomful of commissary shoppers for their advice, and many of them will tell you "do NOT buy produce at the commissary." The complaints range from notes that it goes bad quickly to that it was rotten when purchased.

Behold the number of rotten strawberries, rotten avocados and rotten eggplants I have purchased. You would think I'd learn my lesson after eight years. But no.

That has me wondering what your experience with commissary produce is? Take the poll and let us know.
