Poll: What Year of Military Transition Was Hardest For You?

According to the research, there are only two ways to leave the military: voluntarily or involuntarily.

According to the research, there are only two ways to leave the military: voluntarily or involuntarily.


If you leave because it is your own idea -- you discover the military is not for you after your first enlistment, you were only doing it to get college money, you really, really, don’t want your boss’s job -- then the research shows that your outcome will be pretty smooth. Civilian world, here I come!

If they have to push you out -- they downsized your specialty, you got passed over, you were denied reenlistment, they took you to Captain’s Mast or you were prosecuted under the UCMJ -- your transition is bound to be a little harder.

Good to know, huh?

Not really. Any idiot could predict that the things you don’t want to do are going to be harder than the things you do want to do.

Turns out we don’t know a lot about how the transition process goes for you. And we SpouseBuzzers are interested. So over the next couple of months we are going to be asking for more details.

Veterans, please start by telling us about what year of transition was hardest for you -- and spouses, tell us what was hardest for your family. Take our poll, and then check out the results below for what other people have said.




Photos by Military.com