YDU: Gifted and Talented In One State, Not In Another?

Why didn’t you tell me my daughter would be gifted and talented in one state and not in another? Even temporarily?

Why didn’t you tell me my daughter would be gifted and talented in one state and not in another? Even temporarily?

I was just reading on SpouseBuzz about how all 50 states are trying to make transitioning to a new school easier for military kids through the Military Interstate Children’s Compact. One of the ways that the compact is supposed to help kids is by easing the transfer of records and transcripts. Although it is a great idea, the actual transfer process has been rocky for us.

We have just relocated to Washington from Texas where my daughter was in the GT (gifted and talented) program.

The principal at her new school was very nice, however when she spoke to us she did not review my daughters grades, STAR test scores, etc. from her previous schools in Texas.

We discussed our options for her entry into a new school without a gifted and talented program. The new school does accelerated learning that allows students to take higher grade level math and English courses. Their current policy is that all new students must enter normal classes and be assessed by their teachers for a semester before they decide if the student warrants accelerated learning.

My daughter has worked hard for her gifted and talented status and is very serious about maintaining her current level of reading and math. If the assessment by her current teacher is the only thing that has any weight, then her previous work is simply ignored.

She will lose valuable time, effort, and progress in continuing her advanced learning. As her mom, I’m afraid she will more than likely become complacent in her classroom as boredom sets in because she is not challenged.

I can assure you no one wants their child to become complacent or bored in their learning environment.

It is unfortunate situation as she is already having a hard time with this move, her recent diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes, and her general anxiety arising from not knowing anyone in this town.

I definitely advocate my child's education. I do not let anyone dismiss or disregard her hard work or her needs for a more advanced learning environment.

However, if the Military Interstate Children’s Compact is simply a request, without any "teeth" to it, I do not know how the Compact will help any military family in their educational endeavors with the current communicating initiatives.

I mean I literally stumbled onto the story on SpouseBuzz without any idea the Compact existed. Think of how many military families out there who will never get the message and be left without the benefit of at least a fighting chance in ensuring that their child's education does not suffer.

What is needed for the Compact to become familiar to educators and school districts alike is the assistance of the military families who actually experience and deal with these ongoing educational conflicts.

What we as military families can do to help is communicate, communicate, communicate! The Compact's existence is little known. We must demand it's recognition for our children.

Here is a link to the Military Interstate Children’s Compact. Please click on the interactive map for your state and utilize your state contacts to assist in getting the word to your children's schools about this initiative.

These contacts are there to help as well as insure the schools in their state are informed of the Compact stipulations and goals. These individuals can be a valuable resource for information as well as advocacy to provide to your school and/or school district much needed information on the goals and standards of the Compact.

I plan on forwarding this info to all of my military and education employed families and friends, as well as my families current school district, schools, and surrounding school districts. Every little bit helps!

Perhaps our grass root communication efforts will be the first step towards the Compact becoming a standard for all schools receiving new, transferring military st udents, versus simply a whispered suggestion quickly forgotten.


Pamela Kozora is a proud United States Coast Guard wife of Erik and mother to Alex and Hunter. She is a native Texan and obtained her degree from Texas State University. She is employed as a commercial real estate professional in Washington. In her spare time Pamela volunteers with animal rescue and at her children's schools.