The Answer to Your Style Problems: Stitch Fix

Tired of the clothes at the PX? Looking for something more than whatever your local department store offers? Sick of wearing your husband's Marine Corps green tee* because it's the most fashionable thing you can acquire locally? Welcome to life on a military installation.

Tired of the clothes at the PX? Looking for something more than whatever your local department store offers? Sick of wearing your husband's Marine Corps green tee* because it's the most fashionable thing you can acquire locally? Welcome to life on a military installation.

Solution? Meet Stitch Fix.

It took me two years to realize that the local stores just weren't cutting it. There's something about putting on your husband's green tee with regularity that drives that point home, although I have been pregnant so that's my excuse... But really, when you start making excuses for the green tee, you know you're in trouble. And that's what happened to me, newly post-partum, staring at a closet of clothes that don't fit without the time or energy to comb the internet for something that might work.

So I ordered some stuff from Old Navy and hoped for the best. A full order return later, I bit the bullet: it was time to try Stitch Fix.

Stitch Fix is an online personal styling service that puts together a curated box of awesome clothes and accessories just for you and delivers it straight to your front door. You get three days to try the clothes on, figure out what you want to keep, and send the rest back. There's no wait for the return to hit your credit card because you aren't charged unless you actually keep something. There is a twenty dollar styling fee, but it is credited towards the cost of whatever you keep, and believe me, you'll want to keep something. They work with over 200 designers (most of them up-and-coming) so the pieces are really unique and fun.

To make sure they send pieces that are perfect for you, you are asked to fill out a Style Profile. Here, you give them a thorough analysis of your size and tastes. They ask you to identify your style with both words and pictures, which is particularly helpful since we might disagree on what "classy" and "romantic" look like in real life. They will even take the time to review your Pinterest page to see what you love online! You also get to tell them what your price range is, and unlike me when I go shopping, they actually stick to it.

A snapshot of part of the Style Profile:

stitch fix style profile

This was helpful, because that bottom selection was not for me. But the other pictures - and there are seven of them - which much more my style! You'll definitely find a style that's all yours in there, too.

Before you schedule your fix, there's one last thing to do: Give them any special instructions for your order.

Because I couldn't in good conscience tell you to try this service without giving it a go myself, I did a trial run, and I didn't make things easy for them. My special instructions? Find me something that will work on a post-partum body that I can also nurse in and actually makes me feel good about myself. (Those green tees are not good for that.)

If you've had a kid, you know this can be a battle on its own even with your favorite, tried-and-true stores. So when the box arrived, I'll admit, I was skeptical.

hooray! a stitchfix!

But Stitch Fix faced the challenge head-on and did pretty well.

Here's what they sent me:

my first stitch fix |

Fun, right?

Each item comes tagged with instructions for how to style it, and while most of these were not things I'd normally put together, I actually really liked their ideas. They freshen up my closet and don't make me feel so bad for still wearing maternity pants. (Shhh. I'm in love with the elastic waistband.)

stitch fix is milso perfect for a good wardrobe wherever you're stationed!
If you don't keep an item, you are asked online why not - and you get to explain. (For me, that aqua top was just a little too booby! Eep!)

I spent a lot of time on the phone with Stitch Fix talking about what they can do for MilSo's, and guys, let me tell you. This is the real deal. It's like if your mom knew your taste exactly and had access to an awesome arsenal of really cute clothes. The stylists spend a LOT of time reviewing your style and your comments, and they do their best to tailor everything just to you.

Stitch Fix is an awesome solution for military spouses looking for a way to add cool things to their closet on their budget and in their style ... wherever they're stationed. It's completely perfect for your day to day or for special occasions like homecomings, farewells, promotions, and nights out. If they ever expand into gowns, they'd be great for balls, too. Until then, we'll just have to satisfy ourselves with looking fab the rest of the time and, thanks to Stitch Fix and my husband stealing back his own green tees, that can now be a little more frequent. With the occasional scrubby greens day thrown in for good measure.

*Male MilSo's, don't feel left out! Stitch Fix isn't for you unless you have a thing for skirts, but there is a male version called Trunk. Give it a go and let us know.