Video: Macho Money

Financial planning – the most important yet boring thing on the planet.

Financial planning – the most important yet boring thing on the planet.

But everyone knows we don't spend enough time talking about it, especially as military families. Sequestration and additional budget cuts will eventually affect all of us – and then there are the little things like our own bank accounts to worry about, too.

Since I’m in the business of sharing information in the most entertaining way possible – through video – I figured the next move is to make new financial video series called “Macho Money.”

Macho Money is a video series based on the fundamentals of saving and investing. These videos will discuss many different types of investment accounts, some basic investment philosophies and how best we can capitalize from our military lifestyle. They'll also offer advice on how to find the right financial planner.

At MachoSpouse (and at SpouseBuzz!) we don't pretend to be experts on anything to do with money, so it's not us in the videos trying to sound financially savvy. Nope, it's just our job to keep these videos short, fast-paced and entertaining.

Instead we leave the heavy lifting to two expert certified financial planners Scott Halliwell and JJ Montanaro from USAA. Don't worry, these are NOT five-minute informercials for USAA and all their products. In fact, both Scott and JJ refused to mention USAA on camera … something about ethics or what not. These guys donated their knowledge, experience, time and effort to help us better understand our own finances.

Check out the video to see just how cool (and interesting) financial education can be.
