YDU: Holidays Are For Families

Why didn't you tell me that even minor holidays would make me wish so hard for home?  When you first move away from home, you know there’s always something you will miss out on. It doesn't have to be as big as Christmas or Easter.

Why didn't you tell me that even minor holidays would make me wish so hard for home?  When you first move away from home, you know there’s always something you will miss out on. It doesn't have to be as big as Christmas or Easter.

This year I missed Memorial Day dinner with my in-laws.  I missed my nieces's dance recital. I wanted to be there to do their hair and makeup. I missed  my nephew’s sixth birthday party with a chocolate pudding slip-n-slide.

My husband has five siblings, three nieces, and two nephews. I came from a family with a mom, dad, and two brothers. It was quiet in my home, so the in-laws have a house full of raucous and I loved it.

We lived with my husband’s parents for seven months in preparation for our move here. We wanted to save money and get our belongings together. We accomplished that, as well as really getting to spend time with our family. We did not miss out on anything while we lived there.

At the end of seven months, I was chomping at the bit to move out and move on with our lives. Here we are two months later-- and I am already missing it all.

I love our life now and I would not change one bit of it. But I am a Daddy’s girl, and this is the first year of my life I haven’t lived in Nebraska. So 1,300 miles between my Dad and I is not ideal. There won’t be T-Bone steaks or corn on the cob for lunch. There will not be sad attempts at trying to buy him what he actually wanted. My dad and husband will not be able to shoot the breeze with a beer.

Thank goodness for all the technology today that keeps us connected, because it fills up that little hole in my heart.

Moriah Lazoritz is a new Marine spouse currently living in Northern Virginia.