Win Cash for Kitchen Remodel (If I Don’t Win it First)

My kitchen sink up and left me. It got so sick of being permanently stained and rusty it took off to live with its equally disgusting partner, my disposal.

My kitchen sink up and left me. It got so sick of being permanently stained and rusty it took off to live with its equally disgusting partner, my disposal.

So when I stroll into my kitchen, I am greeted now with the bare studs of my kitchen wall. Sad bits of plaster tinkling from the walls. Appliances standing around as naked and awkward as seventh grade boys at a pool party.

My husband is delighted. “You got started!” he exclaimed from his ship — the one with hundreds of working sinks. “The hardest part of a renovation is starting!”

Actually, I think the hardest part of a renovation is getting the money to start. That’s why I was glad to see USAA’s Home Design Sweepstakes.

Since it is PCS season, USAA is asking Pinterest users to create a dream board before Tuesday, June 25. The contest isn't just for kitchens. The Pinterest board should show how the contestant would design a room if they win the $3100 prize.

Me, I have so many farm sinks and countertops and beadboard backsplashes saved that I am going to offer you guys some stiff competition. I’ll do anything to lure a fetching sink into my home.

Otherwise I am going to be sentenced to washing out the macaroni and cheese pot in my bathroom forever. Or throwing it away. One of the two. Gotta win that money for a kitchen remodel!

To enter, participants must submit the entry form found on the sweeps tab at and follow the Pinterest prompts to create their design board by Tuesday, June 25.

If you are selling your house, USAA members should also note that they can also get a cash bonus of up to $3100 when they buy and sell a home though the USAA MoversAdvantage® program.

Let the pinning begin!