Enlisted Military Still Third "Worst Job"

The jobs website CareerCast.com has once again released their annual list of top 200 worst jobs in America. And, just like last year, they say that being an enlisted member of America’s military is a really, really bad gig.

The jobs website CareerCast.com has once again released their annual list of top 200 worst jobs in America. And, just like last year, they say that being an enlisted member of America’s military is a really, really bad gig.

Out of 200 jobs, “enlisted military” is the third worst in America overall. And on a separate list of top 10 most stressful jobs, it ranks as number one.

The people behind the site come up with these rankings based on factors like stress, danger, physical demands, promotion and salary increase potential and environment. They don’t factor in things like the happiness of those who work the job.

When this list was published last year I said that I think they are missing the boat by leaving out happiness. People who stay in the military tend to so because they like all of those things, or at least enough of them to make the gig attractive. I noted that the stress, danger, physical demands and environment, at least, were all things that my Army husband loves because he’s Hooah like that.

But one thing has changed since last year about “enlisted military.” And while this surely doesn’t make the gig worse than, say, meter reader which ranked in at seventh, it does make a difference:

Job security.

Between the drawdown and sequestration, deployments are canceled and promotion lists are shrinking. Not long ago officials were begging people to reenlist, heck even stop losing them so they couldn’t leave. Now? Some who want reenlistment are being turned away.

Job security and promotion are quickly becoming a thing of the past.

The number one worst job in America according to the list is newspaper reporter, followed by lumber jack.

The rankings also0 take into account one other group of military personnel – “military general.”

Ranked last year as the 59th worst job, it climbed to 20th this year. Why? Again, job security. On the stressful list it ranks right behind the enlisted guys at number two.

“The biggest change is in employment outlook,” Tony Lee, CareerCast.com’s publisher, told us. “With the drawdown underway, the need for military generals is expected to fall, making it more difficult to reach that level and for current generals to retain their positions through 2020.”

You can read more here about the methodology used to come up with these rankings. Military officers below General were not considered for the ranking list.

What do you think – is enlisted military really the third worst job in America? Is “military general” really deserving of the 20th spot?