Top Ten Reasons BizWorld Wants Your Servicemember

You probably worry about your servicemember getting a job after the military.  But when I was doing the grueling year-long research for my MBA thesis, I interviewed several proud veterans who went on to become CEOs in the corporate world. They all shared with me their fascinating stories of transition, struggle and success--a lot like the transition, struggles and successes your servicemember will have.

You probably worry about your servicemember getting a job after the military.  But when I was doing the grueling year-long research for my MBA thesis, I interviewed several proud veterans who went on to become CEOs in the corporate world. They all shared with me their fascinating stories of transition, struggle and success--a lot like the transition, struggles and successes your servicemember will have.

These veterans revealed the skills and even the secret mindsets that they transferred into their new careers. Listening to their heroic stories was inspiring and uplifting, and it turned into such a unique experience that it propelled me to do something.

So I got together with a few talented friends who were comic artists, writers and editors, and we turned the inspiring tales of transition into - a unique platform of graphic novels, comic strips, animated clips and games that depict the experiences and mindsets of veterans. We seek to bridge the gap between civilians and soldiers, change perceptions about veterans and ultimately educate employers about the benefits of hiring them.

This comic strip was created out of advice from Heroes-turned-CEOs, who have finally returned home and made it big. Your servicemember shares a lot of these traits so here are the Top 10 Things They Want You To Know…


Shay Yellin is a veteran of Unit ‘8200’ of the Israeli Defense Forces. He entered the business world several years ago, 

and while still in the last phases of completing his MBA studies, Shay founded He is currently 

stationed in the Philippines, and in his spare time, apart from riding his bike and making short videos, Shay also 

writes for Israeli News Group “Yedioth Aharonot”.