Are You a Macho Spouse?

Isn't it time there was a male-specific resource dedicated to providing support and information to male military spouses and their families?

Isn't it time there was a male-specific resource dedicated to providing support and information to male military spouses and their families?

Absolutely. And that's why I started Macho Spouse, an online interactive resource for us male military spouses and our families. Despite the goofy name, Macho Spouse is about providing valuable, creative, pro-active content dedicated to helping our military families find success, happiness, and community.

I see the male spouse on Facebook, Twitter and even here at SpouseBuzz complaining that articles are not written for them. Just this week one reader complained that an post called “You Know She’s a Military Spouse When …” “completely alienates male spouses.”

Sites like SpouseBuzz do their best to cater to everyone. But at Macho Spouse we have content made just for us dudes.

There is no way I would've been able to push this idea out of my brain and into reality without the support of fellow male military spouse and web-designer Taurus James. Together we are building a pretty unique and dynamic website that helps military families connect through use of high-quality video production, interactive maps, blogs and forums.

Now, I could continue describing what we've been working on, or just show you. Click the “Play” button below to watch our video at Macho Spouse and see exactly what we’re about.



Chris Pape is an Electronic Media graduate from the University of Cincinnati who specializes in marketing and educational productions. He has spent the better part of 15 years building a solid reputation as a talented and creative producer, director, writer, shooter and editor.