Military Wife Quote: People Are Like Dirt

My garden is a mess.  I planted last spring when I thought I would be home during the summer.  I pictured myself in August plucking tomatoes and basil and perching myself on a giant pumpkin.

My garden is a mess.  I planted last spring when I thought I would be home during the summer.  I pictured myself in August plucking tomatoes and basil and perching myself on a giant pumpkin.

Instead I spent most of the summer at the beach.  I have the weeds to prove it.

Yet the summer was well spent. I made peach ice cream with my parents.  Created the new SpouseBuzz LIVE with my workmates.  I held hands with my husband and bodysurfed with my kids.

Looking at my garden, I’m reminded of the military wife quote Plato wrote for us thousands of years ago.  “People are like dirt. They can either nourish you and help you grow as a person or they can stunt your growth and make you wilt and die.”

This summer the people in my life did a lot of nourishing. And I spent very little time in the dirt. I’m lucky that way.  Even though I don’t have enough tomatoes in my life, I have all the right people.  And that’s a good way to end the summer.