Will you Vote for SpouseBuzz?!

SpouseBuzz has been nominated for Circle of Mom's Top 25 Military blogs.  While not all of our posts are about mom (or dad!) stuff, and not all of our contributors OR readers are parents, we know that the military is chock-full of kiddos, mommies and dads.

SpouseBuzz has been nominated for Circle of Mom's Top 25 Military blogs.  While not all of our posts are about mom (or dad!) stuff, and not all of our contributors OR readers are parents, we know that the military is chock-full of kiddos, mommies and dads.

Since so much of military spouse life is about parenting on the solo (whether it be human or fur babies) we know that our readers want, nay need, support in those areas. We know because Jacey and I are both parents of military brats. Jacey is even the parent of a servicemember. (Now THAT takes guts).

So vote for us to be one of Circle of Mom's Top 25 Military Mom blogs. We are currently number 28 on the list (next to a picture of the fabulous Jacey!), so you have to scroll down to find us -- but with not very much effort from you, I know we can be number one!

Go here to to vote or press the button below.
