Nominate Your Community For SpouseBuzz LIVE

Next week we SpouseBuzzers will be in meetings to figure out where to bring SpouseBuzz LIVE in 2013-- we need your help!  Where should we bring SpouseBuzz LIVE with all its tips, tricks and prizes?  How about YOUR military community?

Next week we SpouseBuzzers will be in meetings to figure out where to bring SpouseBuzz LIVE in 2013-- we need your help!  Where should we bring SpouseBuzz LIVE with all its tips, tricks and prizes?  How about YOUR military community?

The deal is that we can go anywhere in the country--big base, small base, buncha bases all squished together--we can go there.  We are trying to schedule one SpouseBuzz LIVE event each for the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard.

No PowerPoint Allowed.  If you suspect that this SpouseBuzz LIVE might be one more boring, tedious, death-by-Powerpoint kind of military spouse thing, think again. At Spousebuzz, we already know that  the most basic advice about military life is all over the 'net. We SpouseBuzzers figure you already know what a sergeant looks like and that you ought to pack an "Open Me First" box during a PCS.  (Shoot, we expect that you already know that no one can ever find that "Open Me First" box so pack the important stuff in your purse.) So for SpouseBuzz LIVE we challenge our bloggers to put their most insightful, most secret, most on-top-of-their-game stuff together in a series of four mini workshops.

Why a workshop?  Why not just do it online?  Well, we SpouseBuzzers do love the power of information and stories that you can access online  in the middle of the night or in the moment you are escaping from your kids. (We like to escape our kids sometimes too).  But there is real power in connecting with other military spouses in person--it helps to know you aren't alone.  It helps to zest up your motivation.  It helps to collect ideas about building a military family that you haven't already thought up on your own.  And a goodie bag is a nice thing, too.

So nominate your base for inclusion in our 2013 SpouseBuzz LIVE tour.  Tell us why your base deserves a treat.  Tell us about what would make you want to come spend a morning with us.  Tell us about the best days and times for your schedule.  We want to connect with you at SpouseBuzz LIVE.