Video: MilSpouse Deployment Anthem

Warning: this will probably make you cry.

Warning: this will probably make you cry.

Military spouse and musician Olivia Perez-Breland composed this heart wrenching deployment ... and then, just to show that she can do it all, directed, produced and edited the video we've linked below.


We were able to catch up with Olivia, who is currently stationed in Hawaii, via email. Check out our question and answer style interview below.

Q. Was there a particular deployment that prompted you to compose this song?

A:  Like so many of us, I live on a post where the deployment cycle is on-going. In many neighborhoods, you'll see homes decorated with American flags and "Welcome Home" signs littered with excited children's handprints. But, in those same neighborhoods, you'll also find families putting on strong faces while their soldiers pack up for yet another year-long deployment. This is the reality for modern-day military families, and so I felt inspired to write a song that speaks to this.

My own family has endured countless deployments and separations in our 10 plus years as an Army family, but there isn't one particular deployment that prompted me to write this song. For military families, it doesn't matter whether it's the first deployment or the fifth deployment … it never gets any easier to say "goodbye."

Q. How do you want this song to impact those who hear it?

A. When I first released this song, I had no idea that it would touch so many people. But I have been tremendously blessed by the "thank you's" and outpourings of support that I've received from spouses and soldiers alike. Most recently, I sang "There You Go Again" at a Military Recognition Luncheon for all service branches on the island of Oahu. After my performance, a soldier approached me and said that he was holding back tears as I sang. For me, that was an incredible honor.

My greatest hope is that this song offers encouragement to military families. I could never repay a soldier for the sacrifices he/she makes, but I am blessed and honored to use whatever gifts I can to support and uphold the families left behind.

Q. Not all military spouses are religious, obviously, and this song speaks about praying for your service member. Do you think the concepts and feelings you communicate in it are something that everyone can relate to anyway?

A. I certainly believe that all military spouses can benefit from the positive message offered in this song, regardless of their religious affiliation. It is so easy to feel a loss of control when we send our soldiers off to war. And, in those moments, each of us must reach out to something greater than ourselves. For some of us, that "something greater" might be the support of friends, extended family, the local community, FRG, a family life counselor or a chaplain. But, for me, that "something greater" is God and the power of prayer.

Q. A portion of the proceeds from the purchase of this song will go to the Fisher House. What made you decide on that particular organization?

A. I've been a military spouse for over ten years, and I believe that it's important for me to give back to the community which I love so dearly. The Fisher House Foundation is a wonderful organization which provides "comfort homes" for military families at every major military medical center across the country. These homes enable family members to be close to a loved one hospitalized for an unexpected illness, disease, or injury. The Fisher House Foundation is a tremendous blessing to our military community, and I am honored to share half of my proceeds with such a worthy cause.


This song is MilSpouse Anthem material, folks. If you like it make sure you visit iTunes or to buy it. Half of the artist's proceeds go to Fisher House. Good music AND a good cause. That's a win.