Poll: What's on Your "Sand Pail" List This Summer?

This month Better Homes and Gardens advises readers to make the most of summer by planning a Sand Pail List -- a Bucket List strictly for summer. BHG recommends that you plant herbs, keep fresh fruit in the fridge and go to a concert. A to-do list that only has fun things on it ... and not one line devoted to "clean the guest bathroom toilet" or "fold epic pile of laundry."

This month Better Homes and Gardens advises readers to make the most of summer by planning a Sand Pail List -- a Bucket List strictly for summer. BHG recommends that you plant herbs, keep fresh fruit in the fridge and go to a concert. A to-do list that only has fun things on it ... and not one line devoted to "clean the guest bathroom toilet" or "fold epic pile of laundry."

We thought that sounded nice. Then we SpouseBuzzers started wondering what a military family's Sand Pail List would look like.  So what's on your Sand Pail List this summer? Take our poll below and let us know  ... and then check out below what others said they are doing.

