Military Wife Quote: Rough Men Stand Ready

This Memorial Day weekend my service member is wielding a power washer.  He has the rototiller grinding up a path through my yard.  He has hamburger defrosting in the fridge to make us his fabulous meatballs for dinner.  The guy is all that is civilized,  all that is good, all that brings the sweet life to me and mine.

This Memorial Day weekend my service member is wielding a power washer.  He has the rototiller grinding up a path through my yard.  He has hamburger defrosting in the fridge to make us his fabulous meatballs for dinner.  The guy is all that is civilized,  all that is good, all that brings the sweet life to me and mine.

It is only when I think of George Orwell's quote that I remember he is more than that civilized man. Orwell said, "Civilized men sleep soundly because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."  It's then I think that my service member is both that civilized man and that rough man standing ready to do violence.  Sitting on our porch in his Navy t-shirt and stretchy grey shorts he is the picture of peace and goodwill.  And on Tuesday morning the fight starts all over again.  These service members living both lives make fascinating partners, the kind that make a difference at home and abroad.