Can You Describe Your Military Life In Six Words?

Only six words to describe my entire military life?  Try: AIRFORCE BRAT. NAVY WIFE. ARMY MOM.  OK, that’s really seven words. And kinda boring.

Only six words to describe my entire military life?  Try: AIRFORCE BRAT. NAVY WIFE. ARMY MOM.  OK, that’s really seven words. And kinda boring.


That’s a little better, but is it isn’t quite what I am looking for …

This week USAA is asking its members to take a moment to think about what matters most, write their life stories in just six words, then share it.  Those who share their story may have it featured in an upcoming issue of USAA Magazine or on

I love this exercise. The first time it was used was reportedly in the 1920s. Ernest Hemmingway was challenged to write an entire short story using only six words. He wrote: "For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn."

Smith magazine used the idea to launch a monthly feature where they asked famous people to write their autobiography or their love stories in only six words. Six word stories included:

"Not always perfect, but so worthwhile."

"Hog the covers, I don't mind."

"He's dumb but lifts heavy stuff."

How would you describe your military life in six words?  How would your service member describe his?  Click here to find out what I submitted to USAA and get more ideas.