USAA Members Get A Shot At A Paid Gig

We get lots of inquiries from casting agents at SpouseBuzz, but this one is near and dear.

We get lots of inquiries from casting agents at SpouseBuzz, but this one is near and dear.

A casting agent working for USAA called about a project they are putting together with military families. Dan Bell Casting (that guy who did the Darth Vader commercial for Volkswagon) is interested in stories about your military service—interesting people you might have met, beautiful places you’ve seen, amazing events that you have been a part of while a member of USAA.  (I'm sure they would also be interested in stories about insurance! ) This is a paid gig for you and your family.

The opportunity is limited to families in the Washington, D.C. area, the San Antonio region, and Southern California.

If you have a great story, please email the info requested below ASAP to

1. Your Name

2. Contact info (phone, email)

3. Age

4. City, State you live in

5. How did you get USAA

6. Who else in your immediate family is covered

7. Memorable military service story about yourself or the family member that you received the coverage from

8. Photo of you and your family