Military Wife Quote: If You Can Find a Path ...

I secretly want an easy life.  I want my kids to go to Kindergarten in the same school district that they graduate from high school. I want to be so content that I never need to swallow my loneliness with mocha chip ice cream.  I want to go to bed every night  listening to my husband lock the house and shut off the lights like a nice civilian wifey does.  Marrying into the military means that kind of ease is never going to happen to me.

I secretly want an easy life.  I want my kids to go to Kindergarten in the same school district that they graduate from high school. I want to be so content that I never need to swallow my loneliness with mocha chip ice cream.  I want to go to bed every night  listening to my husband lock the house and shut off the lights like a nice civilian wifey does.  Marrying into the military means that kind of ease is never going to happen to me.

And that's OK.  Frank A. Clark says, "If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere."

Military life relentlessly teaches me that this is true. My life path is full of obstacles that convince me that whatever it is that I want (to finish my master's, work full time, see my husband in my own bed) is just too hard, too painful, too problematic to endure.  If this path is so much trouble, then it isn't worth it, right?

Oh, wrong.  Of course wrong.  Running into obstacles pretty much means that you are on the path to something good.  So I just follow the lead of so many other military spouses.  I  keep finding ways around those obstacles that pop up between me and what I want.  Because if you love someone in uniform, you learn that obstacles in military life aren't stop signs.  They are mile markers on the road to a meaningful destination.