Happy Military Childhood: Photo Submission

The secret to a happy military childhood is…knowing when to take the picture. According to our family scrapbook, our children are having the happiest military childhood known to mankind. They never sulked. They never vomited. They never missed their deployed dad.  Instead, their military childhood apparently took place only in sunshine.  They lived on a diet of ice cream and turkey dinners. They were the cutest, cleanest, most beloved people on earth--just like every other military kid.

The secret to a happy military childhood is…knowing when to take the picture. According to our family scrapbook, our children are having the happiest military childhood known to mankind. They never sulked. They never vomited. They never missed their deployed dad.  Instead, their military childhood apparently took place only in sunshine.  They lived on a diet of ice cream and turkey dinners. They were the cutest, cleanest, most beloved people on earth--just like every other military kid.

It gives a parent cause to hope. So in honor of the Month of the Military Child (also known as April), we want to see pictures of your beloved military kids. The only rule is that we have to have some hint that this is a military kid, not just any kid off the civilian street. So we want pictures of kids in cammies, kids with flags, little girls in red, white and blue dresses, fourth graders with ships and tanks, toddlers asleep on a service member’s shoulder, baby feet curled into a giant Marine palm. You get the picture. So send it to us.%embed2%