“Army Wives:” I Don’t Get It

When I joined the Army wife fold several years ago it seemed only logical that I would also quickly become an addict of the Lifetime show “Army Wives.” After all, I was one – right? And you have to like a show that’s pretty much about you … right?

When I joined the Army wife fold several years ago it seemed only logical that I would also quickly become an addict of the Lifetime show “Army Wives.” After all, I was one – right? And you have to like a show that’s pretty much about you … right?

But I just couldn’t make it happen. I got the first season via Netflix and watched it like it was some sort of tutorial on my new found religion. I wondered with the jaw-dropped expression that only a new military spouse has if my life would really, really be like this?

I just couldn’t get into it. So I gave up.

But every time since then that a new season premiers and the internet is set abuzz with "Army Wives" love, parties and comments I wonder: what am I missing?? And so I go back to my faithful Netflix, pull up an episode where I left off, and try again.

This exercise has left me most recently in the middle of Season 2. Here’s how it went Sunday night.

  1. Amy sits down to watch Army Wives

  2. Amy watches for 10 minutes, stands-up, retrieves Kleenex, returns to couch

  3. Repeat step two approximately three times

  4. Amy fetches entire box of Kleenex and calls it a night on the walking back and forth to the bathroom for my Kleenex thing

  5. Two episodes later Amy blows her nose one last time and wonders “why am I torturing myself like this?”

I just couldn’t take it anymore. And so I’ve given up yet again.

But here’s the thing: I know people love this show – and not just non-military people, but actual real-life military spouses. I have some very good friends who wouldn’t miss an episode for the world. I feel like if they love it, then I should, too. … but I just don’t get it. I don’t get why people love it.

Someone, please explain: what am I missing? What's to love about the show "Army Wives?"