What You Missed: Casting Calls, Breakfast Bon-Bons and BFFs

We all want the same thing in life, admit it: to eat dessert for breakfast while also magically staying skinny. In case you missed that little how-to and the rest of the online life fantastic this week, we're here to give you a hand. Here's what we consider the best:

We all want the same thing in life, admit it: to eat dessert for breakfast while also magically staying skinny. In case you missed that little how-to and the rest of the online life fantastic this week, we're here to give you a hand. Here's what we consider the best:

What do you mean we aren’t issued best friends at each new duty station?

Even if you’ve been a military spouse forever and a day, you can still find yourself wondering why someone didn’t tell you that best friends don’t come with the new duty station. Making friends, especially when it comes to that one, special bestie, is hard work. But that isn’t stopping this military spouse.

Read more about her determination here.


Take a jab at that 15 minutes of fame.

Know someone who deserves an entire TV episode devoted to their selfless, awesome acts? NBC is looking for your suggestions.

Find out how to apply for their new show here.


Remember: even red flags are easy to ignore when you get used to them.

Even several years later seemingly small things can trigger those PTSD inducing memories in your servicemember. Are you on the look-out, or have you buried the red flags?

One spouse reminds us to be watchful.


The job hunt Despair Bear may start out cute enough. Be careful or he’ll bite you in the end.

The longer you’re in the job hunt, the bigger the bear of job hunt despair seems to get. Are you going to let him bite you ...

… or are you going to take Jacey’s advice?


Now that you don’t have to remember to mail care packages, you can remember this stuff instead.

Just because you’re husband is home doesn’t mean you don’t need to remember to maintain your relationship with him.

Learn the top 10 things to remember when your husband is not deployed.


Bon-bons are the breakfast of champions.

Don’t believe us? A recent study found that eating dessert for breakfast can help you loose weight and keep it off.

Best. Plan. Ever.


Remember when people were all hot over coupons? Well, they still are.

This video report from the DoD talks about the benefits of using coupons OCONUS.

You can’t say you didn’t know!