Time for Address Updates and Additions...

I used to be almost religious about sending out Christmas cards.  In fact, I would look forward to it. But that was 13 years, zero kids, and no moves ago.

I used to be almost religious about sending out Christmas cards.  In fact, I would look forward to it. But that was 13 years, zero kids, and no moves ago.

Now-a-days the ability to send out Christmas cards depends on my schedule; either there is enough time for pictures with a letter or it just ain't happening and I won't stress about it.  But every two to three years I feel compelled to make it happen, whether I feel like it or not.  I feel compelled because we moved, no one has our new address, and no matter how much I dread it, I send out the cards because I am one of those who sure likes receiving them.  See...it is all about receiving in this house.

Down to the dirty work; updating my address catalog.  Years ago while preparing for my wedding, I complied the guest list using index cards with dividers in a box.  Voila!  An easily changeable address system was created.  I have kept this system which makes it easy to replace (or remove) cards as needed.  Since we are a military family, and the military has rules, there are indeed rules for inclusion to the address box.

Address Box Rules:

  • If we met you this move or live close by, no card is needed since you have the pleasure of seeing our mugs on a regular basis and know all our business anyway.

  • You will be added following either our move or yours, and then only if you add us first.  If we mean that much to you, then you mean that much to us.

  • If we haven't heard from you in five years, out you go.  I probably have the wrong address for you anyway, so why waste a stamp?

  • Exception to the above rule:  Important once = important always.  You will stay in the address box if either I or my husband love you to death and beyond, whether you are able to reciprocate the love or not.  You made a huge impact on our lives and we will never forget you.  And plus, you probably have never moved.

This year was a banner year; a whopping 32 cards were needed for new/updated addresses.  Yes, that's a 3 followed by a 2.  That's just crazy talk. But the work is done, mostly, so I can rest on my laurels and be lazy for a few years.  And wait for my mailbox to fill up with cards.

How often do you update your addresses?