How Do You Get Involved?

As I’ve said before, we just completed our second PCS.  Our last duty station was part of the BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure), and was pretty much a ghost town by the time we got there.  We lived there two years and closed the place down.

As I’ve said before, we just completed our second PCS.  Our last duty station was part of the BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure), and was pretty much a ghost town by the time we got there.  We lived there two years and closed the place down.

Our new duty station, however, is like a thriving small town.  Being overseas, there’s much more of a sense of community, I think, than for stateside bases.  Isolation can set in quickly and ferociously for spouses, even in on-base housing.  While jobs are harder to come by, volunteer opportunities abound, from the Red Cross to the school.  At this duty station, there’s even a Facebook page to help new mommies by providing meals.

I’m a firm believer that a person only ever gets out of a situation what they put in…  Sort of a “reap what you sow” mentality.

I personally am part of a women’s Bible study on base, and I deliver meals to the aforementioned new mommies when I can.  I make it a point to visit the scheduled playgroups for kids my daughter’s age.  I plan to spend more time volunteering at my son’s elementary school, as well.  While it’s hard to volunteer very much, what with having to pay for childcare for my two-year-old, I feel like I’m finally starting to make friends and settle in.

How do you make new friends?  Where do you plug in when you get to a new duty station?