Because You Count Too!

Something’s in the air besides the change in seasons. Some of the women I know are making positive and fun changes in their health and appearance. From new hair colors to finally indulging in regular visits to the nail salon, these women are marking off that list of things they always wanted to do for themselves. And why not? They take great care of their families and shouldn’t lose their essence of self in the process.

Something’s in the air besides the change in seasons. Some of the women I know are making positive and fun changes in their health and appearance. From new hair colors to finally indulging in regular visits to the nail salon, these women are marking off that list of things they always wanted to do for themselves. And why not? They take great care of their families and shouldn’t lose their essence of self in the process.

Making ‘me’ time and doing things to feel better about yourself is not selfish.  Changes to diet or getting more rest and exercise is hardly to the detriment of one's family. Everyone will survive you taking a brisk walk, reading a few chapters in a book, or spending an hour getting a massage. The guilt should find a new home to roost.

Do you want more time to read or see friends? Consistent time to exercise or inexpensive cosmetic changes? Make a list and prioritize it by feasibility and budget. Remember, spouses are capable of caring for their own children and no, it’s not called ‘babysitting’ when they do so.

Spouse deployed? Trade off with a friend or take the time to find a sitter. Many things can also be done at home in the quiet and peace of early morning or the stillness of a late night.

From the smallest activity or change, time for yourself can make a positive difference in your life by lifting esteem and relieving stress. ‘Me’ time is always in season.

What do you like to do, or would like to do, that’s just for you?