Survey: Shoppers Love the Commissary

Shoppers are increasingly happy with the commissary, according to new survey results released this week.

Shoppers are increasingly happy with the commissary, according to new survey results released this week.

For the third year in a row survey takers gave the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) an all time high overall score of 4.72 out of 5.

Almost 21,000 commissary users took the survey, and gave increased marks as compared to past years in 14 categories, such as satisfaction with products carried and overall prices. The survey was done over a 10 day period in July at commissaries worldwide.

That the survey indicates increased satisfaction in all areas – including customer service, food and product quality and product availability, is particularly interesting considering the negative commissary vibe I’ve been picking up from readers on this site lately.

While almost no one complains about the commissary’s prices, I’ve been hearing more and more people express dissatisfaction with the overall quality of the store – whether that be products, selection, produce, or employees.  For example, this post sparked a lot of feedback not long ago from readers who agreed that they need a break from the commissary to shop in a nicer store elsewhere.

And perhaps that brings up the  most important part of the survey results: they come from a pool of people who actually shop at the commissary – not from a pool of those who qualify for the benefit but may or may not use it.