Hollywood Releases Military Support Clips

Coming to a TV near you: Tom Hanks asking Americans to support military families. Also: Steven Spielberg and Oprah Winfrey doing the same thing.

Coming to a TV near you: Tom Hanks asking Americans to support military families. Also: Steven Spielberg and Oprah Winfrey doing the same thing.

A few months ago we told you about First Lady Michelle Obama’s petition to Hollywood to increase its focus on vet and MilFam issues. Given the left coast’s track record on the subject, we were a little skeptical.

The three new PSAs, a direct outcome of that effort, are the first of her Los Angeles fruits. Produced in cooperation with the White House, they’re carefully scripted to inspire Americans towards action and remind them that while troops serve overseas, families wait at home.

I admit to being a huge Tom Hanks fan girl (how can anyone NOT love the movie “You’ve Got Mail?” Seriously). And it’s possible that I’m slightly biased on this whole thing since he’s involved. I admit to crying during the clip he did.

You should definitely check out all the PSAs for yourself here and you can see the Tom Hanks one below (because, well, why not?).


No word, by the way, on when these will appear, but the White House has reported that A&E Networks, CBS, Comcast NBC, Disney ABC, FOX and WB have agreed to support the campaign.