On The Open Road: Life Goes On

In our family, we love road trips. The journey is just as fun as the destination. It’s the one thing we don’t put on hold when a deployment happens. The change of pace and scenery is greatly welcomed. We've just unpacked from another out-of-state jaunt. When we travel, I bring the computer so we can still Skype and tell my deployed husband all about what we’re doing. Sometimes the trip is just because, and sometimes there’s a purpose.

In our family, we love road trips. The journey is just as fun as the destination. It’s the one thing we don’t put on hold when a deployment happens. The change of pace and scenery is greatly welcomed. We've just unpacked from another out-of-state jaunt. When we travel, I bring the computer so we can still Skype and tell my deployed husband all about what we’re doing. Sometimes the trip is just because, and sometimes there’s a purpose.

It was challenging to get on the road without a shotgun partner at first, but now I find the drive to be a great time to turn things over in my mind. To think about the past, and the future. It’s great to have the time to reminisce while the kids watch movies or play “I Spy,” though I do admit to having some wistful moments...

Hotels can be found for any budget and some offer AAA, military, or rewards discounts. I use Google and Trip Advisor to coordinate our stay and activities, checking reviews especially. I make sure the car is ‘road worthy’ and that my husband knows where we’ll be staying. Arrival and departure are communicated via e-mail and I also tell a friend or two so they know our plans.

Activities like these strengthen my confidence in going beyond just the logistics of taking care of our family. Life has to have some fun, and I’m happy with just how much I’ve taken on in my husband’s absence, things I haven't done without him in the past. Enough in our lives has changed and these activities keep us true to who we are when we’re whole.

On the next go around I’ll try my hand at DIY stuff, or maybe we’ll just drive across the country instead.

What have you done while your spouse was away that you never dreamed you'd do without him (or her)?